Cody Road Rye Cheese Fondue

In a fondue pot or Crockpot, bring beer, 1 cup Cody Road Rye and garlic to simmer over medium heat. In a small bowl, make a slurry with the remaining 1/2 cup rye and cornstarch then whisk the slurry into rye and beer. Reduce heat to medium-low and stir in cheese a handful at a time in, melting cheese completely before adding another handful.
Stir whiskey and baking soda together in a bowl and add mustard , Worcestershire, add hot sauce to taste.
In a fondue pot or Crockpot, bring beer, 1 cup Cody Road Rye and garlic to simmer over medium heat. In a small bowl, make a slurry with the remaining 1/2 cup rye and cornstarch then whisk the slurry into rye and beer. Reduce heat to medium-low and stir in cheese a handful at a time in, melting cheese completely before adding another handful.
Stir whiskey and baking soda together in a bowl and add mustard , Worcestershire, add hot sauce to taste.
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